Free meditation for heated moments
Do you want to walk away from heated moments with your partner thinking, ‘Damn, I handled that like a pro!’. Defensiveness? Don’t know her. Name calling? Not a chance.
If you are nodding along furiously, this free meditation is for you.
But let me be real with you for a sec. Before you are able to embody the communication skills of Esther Perel, you must first be willing to take an unflinching look at the moments you lost your shit.
That’s what this free meditation practice is all about. Taking a moment to connect with yourself and reflect after snapping at your partner (or other loved one).
What does the 10-minute guided meditation audio include?
- Self-compassion statements for soothing shame
- Skills for noticing anger with curiosity
- Somatic exercises for releasing fight/flight energy
- Identifying any unmet needs underlying the anger
Because when you master all of the above, you experience a spaciousness that gives you more control over your behaviour. This means you shift from automatically screeching like a banshee, to noticing your anger with curiosity. Rather than being IN the anger, you’re WITH it.
And all you have to do to receive this incredible resource is sign up to my email list using the form just over there. I’ll send you fortnightly emails on topics like burnout, imposter syndrome, perfectionism and people-pleasing. But of course you are welcome to unsubscribe at any time if it isn’t your cup of tea’
Sign up HERE for your free meditation straight to your inbox
Connect with your authentic compassionate curious Self
The human behind Sit with Self.
I’m Madeline, I am an accredited mental health social worker living in Melbourne with my partner and toddler.
I’m a deep thinker with a playful spirit, and a total nerd when it comes to therapeutic frameworks. I use an integrated approach in sessions which includes elements of acceptance and commitment therapy, internal family systems and polyvagal theory.
I strongly believe that in order to go deep with others, you must have unravelled and befriended your own inner system. That’s why I am committed to both my own therapeutic work and regular supervision.